Our Services

Montessori Enrichment Care (2 Years - 6 Years)

Kids in Wonderland

Early Childhood needs a special care for growth and development. Many researches have proved that physical development is correlated with brain development. Children are naturally curious and moreover, they are natural inquirers. From the moment they acquire an awareness of the world, they start to explore. As soon as they learn how to express themselves, they get into wonderment and will soar with confidence.
At K-12 Global Academy, we embrace Montessori approach, inquiry-based learning to develop young minds. This learning station also follows multiple intelligence approach and creates a child-centered learning environment: We understand that every child is unique and different. A child’s development and learning is possibly great when he or she gets conducive environment at both home and school. Hence, we focus on the student’s needs, abilities, interests and learning styles with the teacher as a facilitator.
Our enrichment programme is designed to cater to families who are interested in enrolling their kids in our fun-filled environment for 2 to 3 hours.

Enrichment Class Age Groups:

Wonder Junior: Ages 2 years to 4 years
Wonder Senior: Ages 4 years to 6 years

With our carefully-planned curriculum, we love to nurture and develop our life-long learners holistically. Our enrichment programme enables them to

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  • Take care of their self and the environment.
  • Develop gross motor and fine motor skills.
  • Inquire, explore and experiment to understand the world around them.
  • Acquire language and communicate well with peers and others.
  • Develop other language skills for a smoother transition to a big social setting.
  • Develop logical reasoning skills and apply in real life situation.
  • Develop social skills and learn social rules in a small group social setting.